The TNQ Distinguished Lectures in the Life Sciences Series I. 1st Edition.

David Baltimore

'New Avenues to Health'
Bengaluru | Chennai | New Delhi

David Baltimore, the co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1975 delivered the inaugural Cell Press-TNQ India Distinguished Lectureship Series

He delivered the first lecture of the series on January 14 at the Teen Murti auditorium in New Delhi, did press and television interviews, met with policy makers, moved to Bangalore where he delivered two lectures, the first one on ‘MicroRNAs in Inflammation and Cancer’ at the J.N. Tata auditorium where he had ‘the largest ever audience to hear a lecture about MicroRNA’, followed by another lecture at the Faculty Hall of the Indian Institute of Science.

He visited the National Centre for Biological Sciences and Infosys in Bangalore, got into Chennai late on January 17, caught up with Mahabalipuram and his fascination for history early next morning, visited TNQ and watched us typeset and process one of his papers, delivered his final lecture of the tour later that afternoon at Triple Helix, the auditorium of the Central Leather Research Institute of Chennai and left India the same night. As Dr. Baltimore put it, ‘It has been, although hectic, extremely rewarding…”


Other Lectures

Huda Zoghbi
A Journey from the Clinic to the Laboratory to Understand Brain Disorders
Shinya Yamanaka
New Era of Medicine with iPS Cells
Elizabeth Blackburn
Chromosome Ends and Human
Health and Disease