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Unveiling TNQTech: Pushing the Boundaries of Innovation and Technology

Case studies

Emerald Publishing: How Proof Central Made the Author Proofing Process 40% Faster

Tech showcase

Making Data-Informed Decisions with Visual Dashboards

Ravi Pardesi, Abhigyan Arun, Neel Mukherjee frmo TNQTech at SSP 2024
Industry insights

The Coordinated Dance between AI and Human Intelligence for Optimal Outcomes

Industry insights

Karger Publishers: In Conversation with Daniel Ebneter, CEO


TNQTech partners with Imagetwin to screen images for ASM


Celebrating World Book Day at TNQTech

Tech showcase

A Vision for the Future of our Technology: Revolutionising Publishing Processes

Case studies

Elsevier: Saving $500,000 with TNQTech’s Language Central

Case studies

Emerald Publishing: Custom-Built Content Validation Engine

Industry insights

Transitioning to a New Supplier? 5 Things you Should Think About

Industry insights

Data Privacy: Unpacking India’s Data Protection Act

Industry insights

ChatGPT and Other LLMs: Should we Celebrate or be Afraid of These Technologies?


Highlighting our Sustainability Initiatives on World Environment Day


Capturing Clouds and Creativity at TNQTech