Emerald Publishing: How Proof Central Made the Author Proofing Process 40% Faster

Swapnil Midha

Head of Communications

In 2022, Emerald Publishing deployed TNQTech’s Proof Central across 200+ of their journals, moving the entire author-proofing process to the browser. The results have been exceptional – 98% uptake from authors, a seamless proofing experience, and 40% faster turnaround.

In the last 2 years, Proof Central has served 15,000 authors who have published their research in one of Emerald Publishing’s journals. 20,000 articles have been proofed on Proof Central, with 40% of them being turned around in 24 hours.

In this video case study, we hear from Charlotte McSharry (VP Content Solutions), Ciara Daly (Journals Production Lead), and Justin Clark (Service Delivery Manager) who detail how the product has revolutionised the proofing process, and the impact it has had on costs, speed, and author experience. 

About Emerald Publishing:

Emerald Publishing is one of the world’s leading digital-first publishers. They commission, curate and showcase research that makes a real difference, by tackling key societal challenges aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

About Proof Central: 

TNQTech’s Proof Central offers a streamlined proofing workflow on a single URL that makes author proofing 40% faster, significantly reducing costs and time to publish.


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